讲座主题:Information Provision andStreamlined Medical Service: Evidence from a Mobile Appointment App
嘉宾简介:易君健,香港中文大学经济学博士、美国芝加哥大家经济学博士后,现任新加坡国立大学bevictor伟德官网助理教授,并在芝加哥大学、香港中文大学等科研机构作兼职研究。易君健老师研究领域为健康经济学及相关大数据分析、计量经济学、劳动与人口经济学,以及中国经济和东亚经济等。他先后在Journal of Labor Economics,Review of Economicsand Statistics, Journal of Comparative Economics,China Economic Review等权威期刊上发表论文近20篇,并担任Journal of Political Economy, Journalof Econometrics, Labor Economics等多本期刊担任匿名审稿人。
内容摘要:We examine the launch ofa mobile outpatient appointment app in China to study the effect of informationprovision and a streamlined appointment process on hospital operations and the alignmentof healthcare supply and demand. Using a longitudinal dataset on hospitaloperations and a difference-in-differences model, we document that the appincreases completed hospital consultations by 9.5%, through boostingregistrations by 4.8% and reducing appointment cancellations by 3.4%. The appimproves queuing efficiency in overcrowded hospitals and draws demand forunderutilized ones. Supported by additional evidence from a subset of patients’electronic medical records, we also find that the app directs patients to thehospital and department more suitable to their medical conditions and to lessbusy days, resulting in a better match between patient demand and hospitalservice.