讲座主题:International Travel Costsand Local Housing Markets
嘉宾简介:傅十和,美国波士顿学院经济学博士,现任厦门大学王亚南经济研究院、bevictor伟德官网教授,教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划(2007年)入选者,厦门大学南强青年拔尖人才支持计划(2017)入选者。傅十和教授的研究方向包括城市、区域与房地产经济学,劳动经济学和环境经济学,在《经济研究》、《Review of Economics and Statistics》、《Journalof Public Economics》、《Journal of Labor Economics》、《Journal of Environmental Economics and Management》等国内外重要学术期刊上发表多篇论文,并承担国家自然科学基金项目等重要课题。
内容摘要:This paper identifies theeffect of international travel costs on local housing markets. Theinternational travel cost is measured by whether an American city has launcheda nonstop flight to a Chinese city. Using difference-in-differences models, wefind that after an American airport connected with China via a nonstop flight,the monthly number of Chinese homebuyers in a county nearby the airportincreased by about one; local housing prices at the county level on averageincreased by $5900 (4%). We also find a significant decrease in the number oflocal non-Chinese homebuyers, suggesting a displacement effect in the localhousing markets by out-of-town homebuyers. Our findings imply that thespatial equilibrium model based on inter-city migration within a country can belargely generalized to international migration. Our study also contributes tothe literature on the economics of air travel and out-of-town homebuyers.